Cheers to a successful!

On the 16 - 18 March weekend, I took part with the sport swimwear from my online shop, at the GStar diving competition in Leeds. I was placed on the balcony in between the two areas of the pools, one taking you to the diving pool and the other to the main swimming pool. On the Saturday morning I noticed loads of people coming with huge equipment bags. Many stopped, browsing at the men's briefs and admiring the bright men swim trunks; and looking for swimming training suits hanging on the rails. I asked them if they had a tournament and they said yes, an underwater hockey tournament, expecting me probably to ask what that was!
I knew exactly what this sport was, as I kitted numerous UWH or Octopush (as it's also called!) clubs! And talking to one fellow, he told me he's from Caledonia, which is made out the members of three Scottish clubs. So I said: Yep! Did your swimming custom kit! And others were from Glasgow! Yep! Did your custom printed swimwear, quick dry tshirts and quick dry sport towels! And he said: I am also on the Stirling University team and I know, you did ours too...
It was a "Semis" tournament, as I was told later, and there were loads of teams that I didn't contribute at all at their custom kits but... I chatted to loads of people and they took my business cards! One of the guys that took my business card explained to me that he is from the West London UWH Club, and that they are making a special underwater hockey team for the next tournament, so he will contact me soon.
A week later I received an email with the design file and a brief for a kit order of a... (drums!!!)... Brexit team! Three days later, the order was placed for the chlorine resistant and fully lined Bladeback swimsuits for the two girls on the team and custom printed swim briefs for the boys. We are waiting now for the delivery in the next two weeks, just about in time for the latest Brexit deadline on the 12 April, and their tournament that weekend!
I just hope their Brexit team is more successful than the governmental one!
#brexit #UWH #underwaterhockeyclub #swimmingkit #octopush #customprintedbriefs #quickdrytshirts #chlorineresistantswimsuits
