March was a very scary month for us! Not only for our lives, but for the very existence of our small business! How long can we go without any sales? How long will our reserves last? Will we be having a business left in a few months time? I am so grateful to all our customers that messaged me to ask how we are, not only as a business, but on a personal level as well.

Delfina, the manufacturer for my customised and club kit swimwear, told me that they are making face masks from mid March, but I wasn't yet ready to register the fact that, this will probably be the worldwide most worn item for weeks and months to come. By the end of March we started acknowledging the fact that, for our business to survive through these tough times, we need to take some measures and the answer was to stock face masks. Far from our though was benefiting from the pandemic, but we had to do something for the survival of our small business. We kept the prices minimal, and currently we have the postage price included in the cost, so free UK postage and a coupon code available for four masks purchased (and multiples of four).
So again, thank you to all my usual swimwear customers, that were so kind and caring to shop with Acquawear when they need face masks for their families. It is highly appreciated, more than you will ever know! Also thank you to all the new customers as well, as their custom keeps our small business going.
Stay safe and see you all on the other side,
Corina and Acquawear.